HHS girls track team pic

Here's a great article from the Bitterroot Star about the HHS girls track team winning 3rd place at state. Also, see below for more pics from the state meet:

Hamilton Girls Track 3rd at State

Anna Lewis track

Annalise Lewis - State champion in 800 meter run

Andrew Burrows trackAndrew Burrows - 2nd place in shot put. Broke the state record with a new school record

Aleigha Child trackAleigha Child - State champion in the 3200m run

hhs track coaching staffHamilton Track & Field coaching staff: Jake Jessop, Levi Whjite, Chris Jessop, Steve Weston, Kathy Weston & Lakyn Bauder

girls relay team with coach westonSprints coach Kathy Weston with our 2nd place relay (4:04), Ayslin Jessop, Jenna Ellis, Anna Lewis& Lily Apedaile