Results from todays basketball games against Dillon
Boys won 61-60 in OT.
Girls lost 41-45

Speech & Debate & Drama Results
from the Loyola meet this weekend. Hamilton got third in speech overall. Elli Harmon got third in Original Oratory and Betty Neuschwander and Elli Harmon got 2nd in Duo Interp. Haven Osher-Rightsell got 4th in Original Oratory and 3rd in Extemporaneous. Robert Dowdy got third in Lincoln Douglas Debate and Thea Jackson and Marihas Oshell got 7th in Public Forum Debate. Mio Bogrett got 7th in Original Oratory. Congratulations!!!

Check out our new SENIOR HIGHLIGHTS PAGE: https://www.hsd3.org/o/hhs/page/senior-highlights-page
We are super proud of our seniors, and this page gives them a chance to share info about their high school careers and future plans! It's completely voluntary, but we hope more seniors fill out the survey soon!

Students were cooking up a storm at Hamilton High School this week as students in the Advanced Culinary Arts class competed in the Food Truck Challenge!
Check it out 👉 https://youtu.be/qib47Cti5Mc

Congratulations Girls and Boys Basketball for your wins over East Helena!
Boys won 71-55
Girls won 51-22

5th Grade ski days are back! Thank you to the HMS FEE, parent volunteers, and Lost Trail Ski Area for making these five ski days possible. One down, four to go!

The annual Food Truck Competition for the HHS Advanced Culinary Arts Class is underway THIS week!
🥓 🥪 🍪 🌮 🍔

Daly Elementary is hosting a Hawaiian Literacy Luau January 13th, 2023 from 5:00-6:30 in the Daly Elementary Gym.

Members of the Leadership Class and other high school students volunteered to teach Keystone basketball. Thank you Leadership Class!

My name is Sofia Lewanski and I’m a senior in Hamilton High School’s AP Studio Art Class. I have always entertained my passion for creating, utilizing the programs and classes in my community and school to support my interests. I specialize in traditional art mediums to illustrate topics and concepts for which I feel vehement. My ideal form of painting consists of depicting scientific illustrations of nature that combine art with educational components. Additionally, in my sustained investigation for AP Studio Art, I have strived to delve further into a criticism of what threatens Earth’s environmental integrity. In my work, I focus on my own emotional responses to the climate crisis. I attempt to exemplify the indentured responsibility I feel I have to remedy the anthropogenic degradation of the environment. I want my paintings to invoke a desire to practice ecological stewardship. To me, art is an integral way to communicate complicated themes and human emotion.

Check out the CWW article in the Ravalli Republic - https://ravallirepublic.com/news/local/trout-in-the-classroom-bitterroot-valley-students-study-fish-ecology/article_2c74c36d-233d-5dd2-9e7e-bc9eeac857b2.html

Results today for wrestling in Ronan
Boys team finished 7th and girls team finished 9th out of 18.
Jesse Anson and Madison Lee we’re champions! Derrick Saltzman 2nd, Trevor Lewis 3rd, Sierra Poulsen 3rd, Carter Morgan 6th, Clayton Beall 6th. Congratulations Wrestlers!!

Bronc Basketball Both teams lost last night against Frenchtown.
Boys 66-50
Girls 57-45

Classroom Without Walls Trip to Daly Mansion, they saw two great horned owls.

Keystone broke out THE PARACHUTE!!! Whose childhood came rushing back to them with this photo?

Hamilton Adult Education Classes
"We have some great classes we are hoping to fill! Adult education is a great way to improve wellness and build community. Please consider sharing to help spread the word. Thank you."

Mele Kalikimaka day at HMS!

January Food Service Menus - https://5il.co/1m9kp

Hamilton Bronc Speech Debate and Drama competed today at Stevensville. Gaven Hanson got 8th in impromptu and Thea Jackson and Marihas Oshell got 7th in Public Forum Debate.

We know you need more Bronc gear OR have someone on your shopping list who needs some too!