There is an HSD3 school board meeting on Tuesday, March 11 @ 6:30PM in the district office conference room. You can get information on attending in person or viewing the meeting online here:

Families Interested in 4th quarter Drivers Education:
The MANDATORY parent meeting for all PARENTS of students registered for 4th QUARTER is scheduled for Monday, March 10th at 6:00PM in the Room #101 (Study Hall Room) at the high school.
When coming to the meeting, parents NEED to bring the following:
1. Social security card
2. Certified birth certificate
2. Proof of residence (Utility bill, bank statement, etc, in either parent's or student's name.)
ALL documents are required to complete registration for drivers ed and to notarize all applicable paperwork.
Failure to attend the meeting will result in your student being REMOVED from the drivers ed roster and being placed in an alternate class.
If you attended the 3rd quarter parent meeting and had your paperwork notarized, you are NOT required to attend!

Reminder to our current 8th grade families:
There will be a Freshman Orientation Parent Meeting on Mon, March 10 @ 6:30PM in the HHS PAC. Students will have an additional informational meeting Tues, March 11 @ 2:20PM in the HMS Auditorium. They will register for their freshman classes during their US History classes on Wed, March 12.

HSD3 Families: This Friday, March 7 is a Professional Development Day, so there will be NO school for students. Thank you!

Our HHS & HMS Science Olympiad teams competed in the Montana State Science Olympiad at MSU today. Once again, they showed what an amazing science program HSD3 has! The HHS team are state CHAMPIONS for the SEVENTH year in a row, and the HMS team got 2nd place overall!! The students work extremely hard to prepare for very difficult science & engineering events. They are supported by an awesome team of coaches who put in a tremendous amount of time! We are SO proud of both the students & coaches for their accomplishment! GO BRONC SCIENCE!

HMS & HHS Families: Parent/Teacher Conferences will be Wed, March 5 & Thurs, March 6. Please note that the robocall/texts that were sent out today incorrectly stated that conferences are tonight (Tues) & tomorrow. We apologize for the confusion.

HMS & HHS Families: A reminder that Parent/Teacher Conferences will be Wed, March 5 & Thurs, March 6.

HHS Families: Just a reminder that the player/parent meeting for spring sports is tonight at 6:30PM in the PAC. Thank you!

Come out and support our boys varsity basketball team during their home play-in game tomorrow (Saturday, March 1) @ 1:00PM. GO BRONCS!!

HHS Families: The spring sports player/parent meeting for baseball, softball, tennis, track/field will be Monday, March 3 @ 6:30PM in the HHS PAC.

There's still time to get tickets for the Bronc Playhouse's presentation of "High School Musical"! It is going to be an amazing show!!

Reminder: There is a special board meeting this evening (Tues, Feb 18) @ 6:30PM in the district office conference room. You are invited to attend in person or view the live feed! You can get info on the agenda and how to view the meeting here:

Attention current 8th grade families:
There will be a Freshman Orientation Parent Meeting on Mon, March 10 @ 6:30PM in the HHS PAC.
Students will have an additional informational meeting Tues, March 11 @ 2:20PM in the HMS Auditorium. They will register for their freshman classes during their US History classes on Wed, March 12.
**Please note that this is a schedule change from an earlier post in which the parent meeting was previously scheduled for March 4. Thanks for your flexibility!

Attention current 8th grade families:
There will be a Freshman Orientation Parent Meeting on Tuesday, March 4 @ 6:30PM in the HHS PAC.
8th grade students will register for their freshman classes during their US History classes on Wednesday, March 5.

Another quick reminder that HSD3 students have no school tomorrow, Feb 14 & Monday, Feb 17. Enjoy your long weekend!

As of March 2025, Google Workspace is requiring schools to obtain a separate parental consent for students under the age of 18 using "Additional Services" within Google Workspace for Education services. For our students, these services can include: YouTube, Google Translate, Google Chrome Web Store extensions, Google Photos, Google Maps, Google Earth and Google Bookmarks. This does not include core services such as Gmail, Google Drive and Google Classroom for which parents have already signed prior consent forms.
As these services have been in use in our district for many years, HSD3 is implementing an OPT-OUT option for parents who DO NOT want their students to use these services.
You can get more information or print the Opt-Out form here:
If you have questions, please contact the district office at 406-363-2280 or districtoffice@hsd3.org.

The HHS HOSA - Future Health Professionals chapter is hosting an American Red Cross blood drive this Thursday, Feb 13 (9:30AM-3:00PM) at HHS. It is open to students, parents and community members! Please use the QR code on the flyer below to register for an appointment, or go to:
Please share and let's fill the slots! Go Broncs!

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to complete our HMS Bond Survey! Your feedback gave the board a great list of questions to answer during this week's special meeting. You can view the meeting here:
If you have other questions, you can email:

There is a regular school board meeting on Tues, Feb 11 @ 6:30PM in the District Office Conference Room. You are welcome to attend in person or view the meeting online. You can get more information here:

Congrats to our HHS Speech & Debate team on a great performance last weekend at the state tournament in Laurel!! Here is an update from Coach Gulman:
Hamilton Speech and Debate finished off a season to be proud of with 16 competitors qualified to compete at the state tournament, making it to the finals in 13 events.
Special recognition goes to:
Kaleb H and Wyatt B - 8th in the state for Public Forum Debate,
Elaina L - 5th in the state in Extemporaneous Speaking,
Arianna B and Elli H - 3rd in the state in Duo Interpretation
Go Broncs!!