Congrats to the HHS volleyball team on winning the Carlton Classic tournament in Florence today.! Go Broncs!
about 1 month ago, Kelly Hanley
Volleyball team photo
Volleyball photo
Volleyball photo
Volleyball photo
Volleyball photo
GOOD LUCK to our Envirothon team as they head to the weeklong international competition in Geneva, New York on Saturday July 27!! Earlier this week, the team (plus an alternate) went on a whirlwind field trip around Montana looking at different energy sources. Since this year’s competition theme is alternative energy, this gave the students a chance to learn as much as possible about all kinds of energy and the resources & considerations needed for each type. On the first day of the trip, they visited Hungry Horse Dam for a tour of the dam. The next morning, they took a walking tour around Mad Wolf Ranch and learned about hydrology & natural resource considerations for rangeland. After that, they traveled to Fairfield for a unique look at the Fairfield & Greenfield wind operations. They even got to see inside a turbine and check out the size of the giant blades on the ground. On the final day, they learned about the use of geothermal energy at Boulder Hot Springs and the mining history & current practices at the Berkeley Pit. The Envirothon team logged 750 miles over 3 days, putting in tremendous effort to learn about a variety of energy resources in Montana. The students asked fantastic questions and even studied in their free time. The team has been fundraising throughout the spring to pay for this field trip and their travel to New York. Thank you to all who have generously supported the program!! Go Broncs! The students who will be traveling to New York for the international Envirothon competition are: Chloe Greek, Taylor Bratvold, Kinga Kari, Payton Torres, and Taylor Rosenberger. The alternate, Ashlynn Cross, joined the team for the preparation field trip.
about 1 month ago, Kelly Hanley
wind farm photo
envirothon field trip to dam
envirothon trip to berkley pit
envirothon field trip photo
envirthon team at wind farm
Correction to our earlier post: Instead of July 31, the next HSD3 school board meeting will be on Aug 13 at 6:30pm. There will also be a Governance Committee meeting on Aug 8 at 12:00pm. Both will be held in the district office conference room. You can attend in person or watch online at:
about 1 month ago, Kelly Hanley
change graphic
Reminder: There is a special school board meeting on Wed, July 31 at 6:30pm in the district office conference room. Get info on this and other school board meetings and how to view them here:
about 1 month ago, Kelly Hanley
School board meeting
Just a reminder that there is still time to register for this weekend's co-ed grass volleyball tournament. All proceeds benefit the HHS volleyball team! Get more information here:
about 1 month ago, Kelly Hanley
volleyball tournament
Info for the August HHS Booster Club meeting...
about 1 month ago, Kelly Hanley
booster club meeting
We apologize, but due to technical difficulties, tonight's school board meeting will not be live streamed. We will post the meeting minutes when they are available. Thank you for your patience!
about 1 month ago, Kelly Hanley
Technical difficulties
The 1st open field day for high school girls flag football (9th-12th grade) is Tues, July 23rd at 7PM. Please meet at the south end zone.
about 1 month ago, Kelly Hanley
Bitterroot Health is doing sports physicals in Hamilton July 30-31 & August 7-8. The $25 fee will be donated back to HSD3 athletics. See below for more details...
about 1 month ago, Kelly Hanley
Bitterroot Health Physicals
Co-Ed grass volleyball tournament, July 28 at the HHS Fields! All proceeds go directly to the HHS Volleyball Team. You can get more info and register here:
about 2 months ago, Kelly Hanley
vball tournament
The 2024 Hamilton Broncs Soccer Kids Camp runs August 5th-8th from 9:30-11 AM @ the Hamilton Athletic Complex (Pre-K through 8th grade). All proceeds go directly to the Hamilton Soccer Teams. You can register for the camp here:
about 2 months ago, Kelly Hanley
soccer goal
Student Athletes and Parents - You can find the 2024-25 Sports Physical Form here:
about 2 months ago, Kelly Hanley
Sports Physicals
Another quick reminder that fireworks are prohibited on all HSD3 properties. Thank you, and we hope everyone has a great holiday!
about 2 months ago, Kelly Hanley
Please see below for corrected summer hours! If you need to stop by a campus, please feel to call in advance just to make sure staff is there to help you! Thank you!
2 months ago, Kelly Hanley
District summer hours
As we move into July, we wanted to share the modified office hours for each of our campuses...
2 months ago, Kelly Hanley
summer office hours
CONGRATULATIONS to all of our HHS students who made it on the High Honor Roll and Honor Roll Lists!! You can view the list of those students here:
2 months ago, Kelly Hanley
hhs honor roll page
Attention recent HHS Graduates and Parents: Please remember to pick up your senior photo banners from the HHS office. You can get them today until 3pm or Tuesdays in July, 8-11:00AM. They are FREE, as the district paid for them as a congratulatory gift! If you have questions, please contact the HHS office at 406-375-6060. Thank you!
2 months ago, Kelly Hanley
attention please
Just a quick reminder that fireworks are prohibited on all of the HSD3 campuses/properties. We hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July holiday!
2 months ago, Kelly Hanley
fireworks image
Join us in celebrating the HHS Class of 2024 another time!! We've created a page dedicated to their accomplishments! The graduates earned an incredible $3.4 million in scholarships and have awesome highlights to share! You can see their page here:
2 months ago, Kelly Hanley
HHS graduation graphic
The HSD3 tennis courts at the high school are officially open to the public!! Here is a message from Coach Dufresne: Hamilton’s tennis courts are finally finished! The process mirrored that of a long, hard fought three set match: ups, downs, roadblocks, hope, doubt, and in the end perseverance and triumph. The courts are an absolute marvel. The team had a soft opening this evening. A chance for the players to be the first to step on the courts, hit some tennis balls, and be grateful for the gift they have been given. These courts will have a positive impact on hundreds and thousands of students over the years, I can promise you that. Moving them on campus will be a game changer for the program, for the vibe around the game, for spectators, and hopefully - and most importantlyv- will encourage more students to come out. We know extracurricular activities, including sports, are important to our students and their well-being. They encourage physical activity, provide community and a sense of belonging, and teach a myriad of life lessons. Yet, participation in youth sports is on the decline for a number of reasons. Tennis is one of our few sports with a no-cut policy. We had 48 students come out last year, from a returning state champion to a group of kids taking a risk by picking up a racquet and going out for a sport they knew nothing about, simply hoping it will bring them joy. It is that joy that drives me to coach, not wins, not medals, not plaques. Joy. For in the end, coaches have a chance to have a positive impact on the players’ lives; there is no greater win. The new tennis courts are spectacular. They will be a blessing to this town and its kids: I am certain of it. A huge thank you to the community and the district for making this happen. I simply can’t wait to see the succession of joy that follows.
2 months ago, Kelly Hanley
tennis court opening photos
tennis court opening photos
tennis court opening photos